Monday, April 28, 2008

So many updates!!!

So I've been so busy I haven't blogged in a while! So here's some updates:

I got that job I interviewed for. I'll be nannying for boy/girl twins Jill and Josh. I get all government holidays paid and off, 2 weeks paid vacations, unlimited sick days, gas stipend, Fridays off, and it's more money an hour =)

I'm excited to start my new job but really sad about leaving Oscar and Nason. They have been such a huge part of my life that it's going to be so tough to not be able to see them everyday =(

My last day is on Wednes April 30 and I'll be starting my new job on May 12 so I'll have 2 1/2 weeks off which will be so nice too bad Cory's back at work!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Pretty Cool Day =)

I had an interview today and managed to get lost on my way! In my defense the directions weren't all that good!! But no biggie!

I get a phone call from my friend Amanda (she was a bm in my wedding and we've been friends since the 3rd grade). Asking me how I was feeling? Last night our friends were over and I had the worst migraine EVER!! I couldn't open my eyes =( She said she had something to ask me but didn't want to do it on the phone and last night she wanted to ask me when we were alone and that didn't really happen. She asked me if I'd be a bridesmaid!!!! I of course said Yes! I can't wait!! I'm super excited. She and her FI are one of me and Cory's great friends. Amanda, PJ (her FI) and I have all known eachother since elementary school.

My interview: I think it really went well! I hope I get the jobs. So ladies send me them vibes!!! I've been kind of stressed about finding a job so this would of course alleviate my stress level. The family was super nice and I only got to meet on of the children and she is a doll!

New Furbaby!!

I've loved animals since I could remember and I could never get any pets growing up besides fish. So now that I have a house I can do what I want =) hehe! Cory and I bought Bruno (our oldest furbaby, who's 3) and love having a boxer!

We knew that Bruno needed a friend he's been so sad and we feel bad that he's all by his lonesome when we're at work. Bosco needed a family and we're more than happy to provide!! Bosco's also a boxer he's almost 7 months!!

Bosco's my little baby! I love him!! Bruno loves him too! All day long they play so I'm glad Bruno has a pal.

Cory spent a week at home with Bosco and I'm glad he did that! They were able to bond. This first week Bosco had a bunch of accidents during the first 4 days. Now he's doing fantastic!! The only time he pees is when he has happy pee!