Thursday, May 15, 2008

It's been a while

I started my new job on Monday and it's going really well! The kiddos are adorable! It was really hard to leave Oscar and Nason and I am still having a hard time. I cried so much on my last day =( I hung out w/ the kids until they went to bed and read them some stories. Liza and David left me to tuck them in and say my goodbyes and I just held them in my arms and rocked in their rocking chair. I was doing pretty good until I opened the door to leave and Oscar said "Buh-bye Marilyn" and I lost it.

Those kids were such a big part of my life it's so hard to not be able to see them everyday and get their endless hugs and kisses! I'll hopefully go and visit them soon b/c I obviously miss them tons!

My new job the kids are Josh and Jill and they are many perks! I have Fridays OFF! I know you all are very jealous! And they have an elliticipal trainer and treadmill so I've been using them everyday! So far I've lost 1.5 lbs! Not much but it's a start!

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